Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. ~ Proverbs 16:3
A men's fellowship focused on strengthening the bonds between man and God through Bible Study and Fellowship.
Children/ Teens
FBC is committed to encouraging our youth to establish, strengthen, and maintain their knowledge and service of Jesus Christ through Bible Study, activities, and events.
Click Missionary above for more information.
Music Ministry
Come Join FBCNH as we praise and worship through various genres of music.
Go to our Personnel information page to find out which FBCNH job opportunities are available.
Sunday School
Contact the Church Office for more information about our Sunday School classes for all ages.
Usher Board
Young Adults
College through young adults and families. Click Young Adults for more information
Womens' Fellowship Group
The FBCNH Women's Fellowship Group is a women's group dedicated to strengthening personal relationships with Christ and each other through bible study, activities, and programs.